DOKI DOKI, a Japanese-Swiss (Ramen) restaurant, is embarking on an exciting journey to redesign their website. The goal is to merge the precision and quality of Swiss craftsmanship with the traditional cooking manners of Japan.
This project was part of my role as a UX/UI designer at the Horde agency, where I focused on interface design, UX, and interaction design. The project will only be made public if the agency chooses to share it openly; otherwise, it will remain hidden. For more details about the team members and the agency: Learn more
In this redesign, they are focusing on incorporating an innovative art direction that captures the essence of their unique fusion cuisine. They aim to create a visually stunning website that showcases the vibrant colors and artistry of their dishes. To attract and engage the users, we are adopting a new way of displaying elements on the website. Through thoughtful design and intuitive navigation, we want to guide the users on a delightful journey of exploration. By enticing them to interact with different elements, we aim to create a truly immersive and unforgettable dining experience, even before they step foot into the restaurant.